My sister once asked me how did I know that teaching was what God wanted me to do with my life. I looked at her in amazement and said, "Think about our childhood!" I can remember lining my dolls up and teaching before I even started school. My mama was a Sunday school teacher and I thought that had to be the best job in the world. I was right.
I've taught little bitties, kindergarten, 4th grade and this year 5th grade. I feel like I've finally found where I'm meant to be. My niche, where I feel at home.... Everyone is so Leary of 5th grade. Students are tested in every area across the curriculum. How that makes a difference, I don't know. I mean I am responsible for teaching the material to them regardless of whether or not they test over it. I'm already so excited about the coming school year that my brain is going non-stop. Ideas are flooding my brain faster than pins on Pinterest! Don't get me wrong, I have taught my students well. They are amazing and my heart hurts knowing they will be in a different building. But every good teacher strives to be a better teacher. It's just that I find ways that I think will make learning easier, more dun and allow my students to take responsibility over their education. When you put learning in their hands it gives them a sense of ownership. That makes it matter to them . They become proud of their work. Not just trying to make good grades so mom doesn't get mad!
Oh wow! I love my job! 5th grade rocks! I know you're all wishing that you were a teacher now.
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